اللغة الانجليزية - Pre-intermediate / ذ. عبد العزيز حيجوب
في اللغة الإنجليزية
انشىء من قبل
Haijoub Abdelaaziz
عن هذا الفصل
- :Headway Plus Prgramme for pre-intermedite level aims at providing learners with a range of competencies
- 1) How to use different language stuctures in context
- 2) How to speak using different language functions
- 3) How to read for the gist and for specific information
- 4) How to listen for the gist and for specific information
- 5) How to use process writing techniques to produce different types of writings
التعليقات (0)
Diagnostic Test
1 أقسام
Unit 1: Grammar
2 أقسام
Vocabulary: parts of Speech, Adjectives, Prepositions, Words with more than one meaning
Grammar: Present, Past, Future / WH questions
Unit 2: The Way We Live
2 أقسام
Grammar: Present Simple / Present Continuous / Have / Have got....
Vocabulary: Describing Countries / Collocations
Unit 3: It All Went Wrong
2 أقسام
Grammar: Past Tenses; Past Simple / Past Continuous
Vocabulary: Irregular Verbs / Making Connections / Noun, Verb, and Adjective endings / Making Negatives
Unit 4: Let's Go Shopping
2 أقسام
Grammar: Quantity / Articles
Vocabulary: Buying Things

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